Monday, September 21, 2009

reconnection summer

My sunner ended today. As I look back on the five weeks I had to myself, I can safely say that it was a lovely combination of boredom and reconnection. I was either on the road or on my rear most of my summer.
I spent many weekends camping. Connecting with fresh air, Jamey, and myself. The evenings spent in the tent, looking out at the stars, just talking with Jamey in hushed tones are some that I value. We don't do that enough......just take the time to watch satellites and talk.
I spent many other weekends off on short jaunts to visit people I had not seen in years. i saw my "adoptive" family, although for unfortunate reasons. It was great to see them and the closure was well worth the hours of driving. Sitting on the deck of the cabin in South Central Oregon, watching chipmunks get brave and crawl on my feet, talking with people I hadn't seen in 20 years, and spreading the ashes of one of my dearest friends. Sadness, fun, humor, closeness, relief, closure.....all in one weekend. Goodbye my friend.
Then, there was the long weekend in Eugene. Reconnecting with friends from high school......whom I had not seen in (get this) 27 years! There should have been some apprehension but there was none. Would we get along with each other after all this time? HELL YEAH! Would we find anything to talk about? OF COURSE! Would we have anything in common? 4 YEARS OF HIGH SCHOOL! It was fabulous! We laughed so hard our jaws ached. We went through yearbooks, made fun of the entries, the snobs, and the teachers. Our lives have not been the same, but some moments very simillar. I lost my son.....a friend lost her daughter. I have had a couple rough marriages.....2 of my friends also divorced. We still have things in common......and we showed that we are still very much friends after those 27 years. I will go back sooner than another 27 years.
Last weekend was the end of my travel time. Off to Central Oregon for my father's 70th birthday party. Another time to reconnect. I haven't seen stepsisters in 13-17 years (there was some debate on when we were last together). Saw my brother for the first time since my son passed away. My father is 70.....I can't comprehend that yet. He doesn't LOOK 70. Doesn't ACT 70. Why is 70 scary to me? We had a great visit. My brother took us to a cave (tried to kill me) and we hiked in a mile and back out. We made fun of my father's lack of a sense of direction ("We've been on this road three times.....God damn it"), we enjoyed fish tacos and tons of other great food, we all enjoyed each other........for the first time in a long time.
I value my time this summer. The time I was driving and talking to Jeremy. The time I spent with family and old friends. the time I sat on my butt and appreciated the other time even more.
There may be one more camping trip this season. One more time to watch stars and talk. I love that. Not sure yet if it will be just us or if it will be a larger crew. Doesn't matter, either way it will be good. A time to appreciate each other, relaxation time, down time, reconnect time.
Summer should be about reconnecting.......mine was.

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