Friday, April 15, 2011


I am trying something new. I have been doing it for about a month and think it will improve my health, along with my wallet.
I heard about e-cigarettes and did some research. Going to recommended sites and learning the "lingo" (it is a whole new language, trust me) I learned a lot. After my research I decided on an e-cig that looked about like an analog (regular ol' smoke) but it came in pretty colors! My smokes would mean I was accessorized! I didn't have the $$ to get the one of choice right away,but didn't want to wait. I made a trip to my local 7-11 (by local I mean a 24 mile round trip) and purchased an inexpensive version. Good for trial to see if I really wanted to spend the dough for a "real" one. I wasn't overly impressed with the starter version, but it was enough to let me know that I wanted to do this...I COULD do this!
As soon as my funds were in order I was on the website placing my first order. I got it a week later and it has literally changed my life. I am now almost a non-smoker. I have usually two analogs a day. One when I first wake up and another when I get home from work. I love these e-cigs! I got two pretty dark purple ones and a green one to use at my computer (it plugs right in to my USB port!)
Now for the flavors. I want to try as many flavors as I can and get (ready for this?) e juice to refill, as it is cheaper than purchasing (here ya go) cartomizers (the part that gives flavor and vapor...looks like a cig filter). I told you it is a whole new language! I ordered a variety of flavor carts and then it was time.....
the second order. Order juice of the flavor Jamey liked the most, new carts, another battery for Jamey (he needed a back-up), and drip tips. I didn't even know what drip tips were for, but they were cheap and came in pretty colors (more accessorizing! YEA!) I ordered teal and red and they threw in an extra teal one for me....awesome. They help aid in the refill process for vaping through a "drip method" (more new language) refills.
I don't see this new thing going away any time soon. I like it. What is the best thing about vaping instead of smoking? $$$$$$$ no more spending over $150 a month on smokes. Second best? I CAN DO IT IN PUBLIC PLACES LIKE RESTAURANTS! There is no odor and no harmful chemicals to emit into other people's air space so no one is bitching at me about gov't regulators telling me where I can and can't do it (although the powers that be have banned it from my workplace, but WTH ever).
If you have tried to quit, want to quit or cut down, I highly (did you hear that? HIGHLY ) recommend you give e-cigs a try. You get your tar, no carbon monoxide.....just the nicotine that your body is craving. Varying levels of nicotine so you can reduce the level of intake GRADUALLY while still getting the oral fixation you need (that covers the habit part). I love these.....hope to be analog free within a couple weeks....wish me luck!